the Tree
My Olive Tree
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My Olive Tree was birthed out of a heart to support the land and the people of Israel.
It was in 2004 when I first sat down with the then, Finance Minister, now Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and we discussed a huge humanitarian aid initiative that I was involved in—a project that was bringing in over 20 million dollars worth of aid into the nation of Israel.
It was an enormous undertaking, and the Finance Minister was grateful and polite when he opened up to express his heartfelt concern for the people of Israel. You see, he did not want Israel to become a country dependent on charity, but rather, a country that prospers through economic independence.
It was a few years later while attending a meeting in Israel, when the “concept” of My Olive Tree was presented to us...
My first reaction was, “No way!”
But the Israelis in the meeting eagerly said, “You can plant a million olive trees… a plan to help make Israel economically independent… You can do this!”
My answer again was, “No… this is not for me.” And then I felt the prompting of the Lord to step outside of our meeting place. He then began to show me a vision of a blue and green globe, and said, “Do you see all of those little green spots? I planted all of those without your help.”
That was when My Olive Tree began… and it has since grown and is still growing!
Today, through the help of thousands of people around the world, we have planted over 20,000 partner sponsored olive trees throughout Israel—a far cry from the HUGE vision of one million—but we are diligently moving forward to reach that goal!
When My Olive Tree first began sponsoring olive trees, we planted in the Galilee area.
It was exciting to see the vision unfold and for our partners to LITERALLY take root in the Holy Land! And then a few years later the opportunity became available to expand our efforts and begin planting in the Negev Desert. Again, thousands of sponsors rallied together to leave a living legacy and a living memorial in Israel. Like David Ben-Gurion you all jumped on the chance to be pioneers!
The first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion was focused on breathing life into the Negev Desert… and you as our sponsors have shown that you share his vision and have hence breathed new life into the goal of sponsoring one million trees.
You heard Isaiah’s cry and Ben-Gurion’s cry, and you answered back with resounding support!
It is incredible to know that our supporters, that’s YOU, are helping fulfill the goals of the projects...
…by bringing the wastelands to life—expanding the greenbelt into the desert to create livable habitats for families to return to the land of their Father.
Your gift is literally taking root in the land of #Israel, saying, “You belong. Through faith, I belong. We belong!”
You see, more than anything, your sponsorships give hope and speak of friendship and solidarity. Your trees say to Israel and her people: I see you right now and I believe in your history—your past, your present, your future, and your right to exist.
Your tree is a statement that you realize Israel’s future—acknowledging her potential—her promise.
Your tree is not just a gift for today. Your tree is a living legacy—a living memorial.
A few years ago My Olive Tree was asked to plant several very large mature olive trees (30-40 years old) in a special place in #Jerusalem called the King’s Valley. This area in the valley, which is part of the larger Kidron Valley, located east of King David’s palace, is believed to have once been a garden for the ancient King’s of Israel. And perhaps most importantly, it is also very symbolic that this area is on the hills below the Mount of Olives where the Messiah expected to return.
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My Olive Tree
My Olive Tree Learn more about this special project here -
Kings Valley Seven Species Project
Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 4:54am
Sienta Victor
Sienta Victor Such a beautiful story! I love Israel, the Sea of Galilee, the olive trees.
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Twila Nelson
Twila Nelson I adopted a tree in 2008 and pray everyday that God will bless it an all the olive trees, fruits, vegetables, live stock, all the agricultural, the natural resources the water, oil, natural gas , the minerals , the gold , the silver in the land of Israel !
Like · Reply · 2 · 7 hrs
Lorie F. Fadriquela
Lorie F. Fadriquela I am a Filipino but I love this idea so much. Bless your hearts.
Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 6:53am
Deborah Earley
Deborah Earley Love it!
Like · Reply · 1 · 22 hrs
Oscar del Rosario
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