Thursday, June 29, 2017
An enrichment of common benefit and welfare between nations Your Cooperation Participation is very much Appreciated Intermountain Funding equipping the Truth Baguio city vicinities is a Research haven.,Email me at, and or message me on my wall.......
Intermountain Funding Your Cooperation Participation is very much Appreciated
An enrichment of common benefit and welfare between nations
Baguio city vicinities is a vacation, investment, income property, Research haven.,Email me at, and or message me on my wall.......

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Virgil Jigs Esconde Leduna shared Thunderhead Ads & Graphic Designs's post. June 25 at 5:52pm No automatic alt text available. Thunderhead Ads & Graphic Designs June 21 at 1:10am Dalandan is a local Philippine orange fruit but its skin or rind color is deep green and does not turn to orange even when ripe. The juicy, tangy and sharp but sweet pulps are definitely orange in color though. Dalandan Health Benefits and its Medicinal Use: Dalandan is very rich in vitamin C. • Its juice is a very good appetite suppressant so it is recommended for weight watchers. • It is used to relieve nausea and vomiting. • The extracted essence of its seeds and leaves are used for regulating menstruation, treatment of cough and relief of rheumatism, swelling and muscle pains. • The freshly squeeze juice is used in cleansing and disinfecting wounds. • The rind of this fruit is effective in relief of dizziness and car sickness. Just smell the crushed fresh and you will immediately feel the relief. SOURCE- Read more:…/ LikeComment
Monday, June 26, 2017
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Baguio city vicinities is a vacation, investment, income property, Research haven.,Email me at, and or message me on my wall.......

Your Memories on Facebook Oscar, we care about you and the memories you share here. We thought you'd like to look back on this post from 2 years ago. Oscar del Rosario via Wake Up World June 27, 2015 · Healing Cancer With Organic Foods A major revolution in the western healthcare, pharmaceutical and cancer industries is occurring and the movement is reaching the critical mass point. More people now than ever are researching and learning for themselves… THESPIRITSCIENCE.NET
ॐ Collectively Conscious ॐ
Oct 5, 2015
Cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment. When you eat processed and sugary foods you create an acidic environment where cancer and disease will thrive. Simply eating an organic plant-based diet may be your greatest defense and prevention technique.
Healing Cancer With Organic Foods
Healing Cancer With Organic Foods
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Mark Hale's profile photo
Mark Hale
There's bullshit and there's dangerous bullshit.
Oct 5, 2015
Artemis Ares's profile photo
Artemis Ares
ph level doesn't increase or decrease cancer susceptibility if your blood ph for some magical fucking reason changes then you'll die (blood ph is between 7.3-7.5)
Oct 5, 2015
Artemis Ares's profile photo
Artemis Ares
+Klaus Rosenbjerg you're a dense idiot. Studies have proven that vegans have a increase in cancer rates, general illness, along with mental health conditions. Also your comment alone gave me cancer "just avoid most products with salt, sugar, meat, diary and fat" pure idiotic fucking cancer
Oct 5, 2015
Klaus Rosenbjerg's profile photo
Klaus Rosenbjerg
+Walrus shoe Nobody will force you eating things vegans eat. I guess I should thank you. More raw food for us. I have no need to convince anyone or need of being right. Doctors and scientists worldwide are baffled as to why health testing vegans show so good health results. I have done tons of study on that and I baffle my doctor every time he test me. A dense idiot. Nice use of words, that is however not making every super healthy vegan wrong. Vegans get cancer, you refer to Steve Jobs I assume. He had cancer before trying vegan diet. Please share your links to those studies that proves vegan give cancer. Namaste
Oct 7, 2015
Artemis Ares's profile photo
Artemis Ares
+Klaus Rosenbjerg
mental health
illness rates
All of these studies are done by unbiased scientists that actually have degrees in nutrition rather then the pro vegan biased bro scientists that have no degree.
Oct 7, 2015
Klaus Rosenbjerg's profile photo
Klaus Rosenbjerg
+Walrus shoe nice of you to provide links. All that really proves is that you believe what you choose to believe. I however do not need a PhD gold medal genius to tell me that vegan is wrong. Eat all the meat, candy, cheese you want if that makes you feel good. Reason I know vegan works for me is because I am the living proof, and so are other vegans.
Would you dislike losing 15 kilo and get great skin without doing workout?
That is my reality after just 1 year as vegan. And that's just 2 of a list of advantages.
Indeed it's a free world. Live as you like. But flaming someone for being a vegan is immature.
Oct 13, 2015
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Healing Cancer With Organic Foods
Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Satyapriya
ArticlesHolistic Health
Source: | Original Post Date: May 3, 2015 –
A major revolution in the western healthcare, pharmaceutical and cancer industries is occurring and the movement is reaching the critical mass point. More people now than ever are researching and learning for themselves how to use nutrition to regain and maintain optimal health. People are realizing that a synthetic pharmaceutical drug, as advocated by many in the western medical field, can biochemically never elicit true health. Questions are being asked and nature’s beautiful cures are being rediscovered.
One man who is helping to spearhead this movement is Ty Bollinger, a best-selling author of seven books on natural health and the creator of a newly released documentary titled The Quest For The Cures…Continues, which interviews twenty-eight medical doctors, eleven scientists and nine cancer survivors who break “the code of silence” and expose the truth about cancer as well as proven methods to treat and eliminate cancer through completely safe, natural and holistic methods.
Why then, are these natural methods not being more widely discussed and promoted by an industry that is claiming to want to help cure and eliminate cancer? The simple answer is money. As Dr. Sunil Pai, M.D. states, “Follow the money. What is the biggest industry right now? It’s the cancer care industry. So the average cancer care for a person from Stage I to Stage IV will range anywhere from $350,000- $1,400,000 by the end of stage IV.” The cancer industry has also created millions of jobs in the form of the American Medical Association, American Cancer Society, Food and Drug Administration, The Rockefeller Institute, The Carnegie Foundation and numerous jobs in medical schools teaching western medicine. Revealing the cost effectiveness and positive results of these holistic methods is not something the western medical establishment wants known as this would very quickly bring an end to many jobs, institutions and above all, profit.The dots are easily connected. The truth has been covered up in the name of greed.
However, it is one thing to know what the issue is and it is another to find and utilize the solutions. One of the best and easiest methods to beating cancer that has been promoted in the documentary as well as by countless doctors of naturopathic medicine, chiropractors, health and wellness advocates and now an ever-growing number of western medicine-trained doctors is the consumption of organically grown and harvested fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. A common follow-up question that can be asked is if conventionally grown produce, those with pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, can help to eliminate cancer as well. Scientists are finding that although the nutrient content in these foods are beneficial to cellular function, the chemicals found in and on the food itself, as well as in the soil, is very toxic and has been shown to induce and spread cancer throughout the body. These chemicals found in the food and soil are also destroying life-giving and health-promoting nutrients, namely ionic trace minerals.
In 1936, two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling told the 74th Congress of the United States,“Every ailment, every sickness and every disease can be traced back to an organic mineral deficiency. “ Ionic trace minerals are minerals in their nano or Angstrom form and have the ability to transport nutrients into the cell very easily due to their low molecular weight. They also have the ability to bring chemical balance and electrical potential back to the cell.
Through soil that is untouched by synthetic chemicals and left to compost in the natural rhythms of nature, beneficial microbes help to create bio available fulvic acid, humic acid, amino acids and trace minerals that assist the plant absorb these substances to then produce beautiful, healthy plants full of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. When using synthetic chemicals though, the microbes are destroyed and the soil then becomes depleted of many beneficial nutrients and instead laced with harmful substances.
In fact, fulvic acid alone is being used by doctors and patients in the treatment and prevention of cancer as well as a supplement for overall better health. Dr. Daniel Nuzum of Idaho has treated nearly 8,000 patients with fulvic acid and has received only good results from every one of the cases. To date, fulvic acid is the most potent anti-oxidant known, as it has 14 tetra trillion electrons it can donate to neutralize free radicals. That is 14 with twenty-one zeros behind it. It is so small and powerful that it has the ability to work outside of the cell, inside of the cell, and on multiple components of the cell. Fulvic acid can also turn metabolic waste into nutrition, something that is beneficial on many different levels.
Another common question that has been asked is if organic dairy and animals products are safe and if they affect cancer cells to any certain degree. Though not consuming hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals is certainly good for a person’s health, discernment in consuming meat and dairy should be used. In his well-known book, The China Study, Dr. T. Colin Campbell stated that the 35 year study he and his team conducted showed casein, a protein found in animal meat and dairy, promoted every stage of the cancer growth process.
The return to organically grown food as nutrition is happening in our world today at an ever-increasing speed. Doctors are once again promoting the usage of organic fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices as medicine, scientists are separating truth from fiction, people are discovering what really heals and the light is shining down on the shady politics involved in cancer care and related industries. It is everyone’s right to be healthy, happy and free. Its also everyone’s right to have access to unbiased knowledge and information that can help create the health, happiness and freedom we are all seeking.
For those interested, further research can be conducted on information regarding Fulvic Ionic Minerals, The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham, Herbal Medicine, Healing, Cancer by Donald Yance, the work of Dr. George Merkl as well as flower essence therapy, hydrochromotherapy and phototherapy.
Written by Lance Schuttler of
About the Author
Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and is Director of Creative Health Non-Profits for Personable Media. He is passionate about holistic and naturopathic medicine as well as helping to bring awareness to an efficient, sustainable and health-promoting transition that our world’s current socio-economic model is rapidly undergoing.
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Intermountain Funding Your Cooperation Participation is very much Appreciated An enrichment of common benefit and welfare between nations Baguio city vicinities is a vacation, investment, income property, Research haven.,Email me at, and or message me on my wall.......
Control Your Brain Chemistry – Become Confident and Creative
Increase your levels of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and GABA.
4.3 (103 ratings)
3,191 students enrolled
Created by Website Global Harmony Crew, Vegard Gjerde, Vegard Havre Paulsen
Last updated 4/2017
Current price: $17
Original price: $200
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2 hours on-demand video
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What Will I Learn?
Control your mood
Become more creative
Understand your emotions
Become more productive
Predictably stimulate release of different feel-good neurotransmitters
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The students need an open mind and a willingness to test out the various advice given. No action, no results.
Do you want to be more happy?
Do you want to understand why you feel the way you feel and be able to do something about it?
Do you want to become more confident and creative?
This course is about stimulating release of the chemicals that make your smile widen. It will make you more confident, charismatic, creative and all those other awesome superlatives that we all want more of in our lives. Neurotransmitters hold the key into these amazing states of being.
We begin with the powerful motivator and confidence.boosting chemical, dopamine.
After this course you will be able to:
Control your mood
Become more creative
Understand your emotions
Become more productive
Predictably stimulate release of different feel-good neurotransmitters
Before you start:
Keep in mind that there is a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked.
You gain life time access to this course.
We will regularly add bonus lectures which you will get for free.
You will get instant access to ALL future updates.
Enrol in this course now and feel the dopamine rush.
Become your own brain chemist.
Updates to course:
- March 29, 2016 – 3 new serotonin videos
- June 15, 2016 – 3 new endorphin videos
- June 19, 2016 – 4 new serotonin videos
- July 29th, 2016 – 3 new endorphin videos
- August 10th, 2016 – 3 new serotonin videos
- August 31st, 2016 – 2 new serotonin videos
- November 2016 – 3 new GABA videos
- April 2017 – 5 new GABA videos
Who is the target audience?
This course is for people who want to take control over their own feelings and emotions
It is for people who want to reach their potential in life
It is not something to use as preparation for an exam in neurochemistry
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Curriculum For This Course
Expand All 40 Lectures
Self Test to Find What Works for You
Master Your Dopamine
12 Lectures
Master Your Serotonin
13 Lectures
Master Your Endorphins
6 Lectures
Master Your GABA
8 Lectures
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Website Global Harmony Crew
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Website Global Harmony Crew
Spiritual and personal development teachers.
We want to inspire people to evolve and create their reality in harmony with all that is. Global Harmony is bliss, joy, creation, empowerment, you, oneness, unity. Global Harmony is where you create your state of being, and thus your world, in alignment with your truest desires. We provide you with our knowledge and realizations that we have acquired from our own seeking, thus giving you the essentials – a shortcut on your path to end seeking altogether. When neagtive seeking ends, joy and desire are your guides.
We are avid learners with several degrees in natural sciences at both Master and Bachelor level between us. We have been on a spiritual quest for many years. Seeing the big picture and how everything interconnects is a passion of ours – merging science, spirituality, philosophy and the essence of religions into our own view of life.
It is time for Love and Unity.
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Vegard Gjerde
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Vegard Gjerde
Ph.D Researcher, Physics Didactics; M.Sc, Nuclear Physics
I started my academic life at university with petroleum technology. This quickly turned into a combined physics and petroleum technology bachelors degree, as I developed a passion for physics. Then, I got my master's degree in nuclear physics. I've continued taking courses at university after this - mainly in economics - although I never go to lectures. I suspect I will continue taking courses for many years to come.
I worked for a year as a substitute teacher, while studying at university and pursuing my own projects.I also taught in several different physics courses at University as a scientific assistant.
Currently I am pursuing a Ph.D. in physics didactics (how to learn/teach).
I've been passionate about learning new things for the past 8 or 9 years. There are always some books nearby and most of my time spent on Internet is spent gathering knowledge. When I start anything, I always want to master it. This has fueled my interest in how we learn and, especially, how we learn fast.
One of my biggest strengths lies in finding the underlying principles and seeing connections between things. My curiosity is always driving me deeper and deeper into the subjects I find fascinating.
My Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is ENFJ
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Vegard Havre Paulsen
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Vegard Havre Paulsen
M. Sc. Physics, life-long learner
My passion is to change the world. I want to live my life as an example of empowered living. Everything is possible.
I have a long academic background with a B. Sc. in petroleum and process engineering, a M. Sc. in Reservoir Physics, and several extra courses in physics, biology, environmental chemistry, the science of sustainable living, human's origin, and psychology.
I love to read, and I'm always improving myself on several areas. My knowledge of self is deepened through meditation and contemplation.
Semi-vegan; ENFP; realization-pointer; manifestation guide; lover of nature; knows a lot about exercise, posture, diet, balance.
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Hassan Soubhi
5 days ago
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
There are two things that I like the most about this course: One is the idea of summarizing some evidence around the main molecules that have been known to affect the brain. The second is the recommandation to self-test what works and what does not. This is an application of single-subject design to oneself; of course with all the cautions necessary. One suggestion to improve on this course is to complete systematic reviews, as much as possible with meta-analysis. This would help provide a more balanced and more accurate presentation of the evidence. This would not change the recommandation to self-test anyway. Thank you for sharing this work.
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Miguel Alberca V
18 days ago
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Good explanations, scientific basis and nice videos of visual and narrative quality.
Bien explicado, con bases científicas y vídeos agradables de calidad visual y narrativa.
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Sandro Dzotsenidze
a month ago
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
This course contains every aspect of mindfulness living . It is highly recommendable for everyone who is constantly seeing changes in his/her mood . If practiced frequently , it inevitably leads to improved perception on one's life .
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2 months ago
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
This is a well-designed book, well written and easy to understand.
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5 months ago
Rating: 2.5 out of 5
I like the tips. However, the scientific rigour seems lacking, as only pro and supporting papers have been quoted (except one contradicting Nyacin's effect on reducing Seratonin).
As with FDA and similar pervasive tests, studies should be quoted only if they are large scale and for sufficient duration of time, rather than based on "3 case studies". Across the course, I got the feeling of TV Infomercial where they keep stating "Studies have shown................."
Overall, happy with the tips.. The course also does well in terms of putting a lot of tips together. :)
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Jay Sharma
5 months ago
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Its very practical. It gives us an understanding why I feel the way I feel
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Kristina-Rose Sears
5 months ago
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
This course gave the simplest explanations of how brain chemicals are working, and offered very practical remedies and possible solutions with great insights and overviews.
I am very excited by this course. The visuals and content were well matched, it is a pilI made a lot of notes, and I am sure I shall review this course many times over. I am already recommending it. This has been the clearest explanation of what why and wherefore on this subject I have ever found. Excellent
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Ezenwa Okpulor
19 days ago
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Great course. Its very informative and straight to the point.
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Carol Newton
9 months ago
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Very interesting information. I listened many times & took notes. I enjoyed learning more about neurotransmitters and how to increase them.
Thank you.
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Neree Noumon
2 months ago
Rating: 4.0 out of 5
I Loved the course. The only regrettable thing is the lack of material to download. The course slides could be made more friendly as well :) At this stage they are terrible, although the information they contain is very well organized and presented.
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