Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Science-based research on preventing cancer and improving health using natural superfoods and proper diet. The research posted here is almost always based on (and linked to) scientific studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals, however no such study can be guaranteed to be totally flawless, accurate or complete. All information posted on this page is for information purposes only, does not constitute medical advice or advice to purchase or use any product, and does not replace a doctor’s advice. All matters regarding your health should be first discussed with your doctor or appropriately licensed medical professional. Check with your doctor before undertaking any change in diet or exercise, and before taking any plant, herb, special food or supplement. Certain foods or supplements may interact with each other and/or can alter the way your body metabolizes some medications.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Anik Singal Sponsored · 3 Billion+ People Live on Less Than $2.50 a Day! ➡ http://meadia.co/4OMn0Co Watch this inspiring Tedx Talk by Anik Singal where he explores a completely new approach to help end World Poverty! A New Approach To Curing World Poverty! (TEDx Talk) Anik Singal Reveals How To Use The Dreams of The Bottom Billion To Cure World Poverty! Watch This Riveting Short TED Talk That Has Everyone Talking! STARTBYCLICKINGHERE.COM
Published on May 9, 2014
Don't let these purple or white beauties intimidate you -- when you know how to do it, growing eggplant is simple. Fine Gardening's Danielle Sherry shows Fine Cooking's Sarah Breckenridge the tricks and tips you need to get eggplant off to a good start.
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Oscar del Rosario
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LilMisterCat3 months ago
wow thanks!
Cindy Langille
Cindy Langille9 months ago
Well done, and thank you .
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Seed Starting ,Eggplant and Okra
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How To Plant Eggplants, Peppers and Chillis
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City as Farm
Thursday, 24 November 2016
City as Farm: City Dwellers Love to Grow Food
Did you know that almost half of all Australian households grow some food? Incredible! Also more than a quarter of food consumed in Australia comes from urban and peri-urban areas - on just 3% of agricultural land. That’s amazing! Many cities are filled with pockets of food - but they could be have so much more.
Corridor of green around the old city of Ljubljana, Slovenia where so many people grow their food locally and take surplus to market.
I was delighted to offer a one of the mini keynote presentations at the start of the Australian Urban Agriculture Forum in Melbourne last weekend. Photo: Nick Rose: Sustain Australia
For some people growing food in the city seems like the right thing to do - even if it’s just flavouring meals with some freshly plucked herbs. However for many around the world, urban agriculture is essential for survival. Many in poor countries spend over half over their income on food. It’s estimated that globally, around 800 million people are involved in urban agriculture producing around 20% of the food.
Cuban farmer explaining how, because of the food and fuel crisis, he moved his farm from a rural village to a kindergarden. Photo: Evan Raymond
I’ve just returned from 4 days in Melbourne. I am so glad I made the trip to be part of the Australian Urban Agriculture Forum organised by Sustain Australia and The University of Melbourne (Urban Horticulture Program). I haven’t written for a week because I’ve been so absolutely immersed in preparing, sharing, listening, exploring, chatting. I am now so full of stories and ideas - I’m not actually sure where to start.
I am feeling completely enlivened by the experience and connections made. It was so great to catch up with many old friends, and to meet so many other amazing urban agriculture people from around Australia and the world.
Photo: Morag Gamble
It was a delight to spend one of the days with Costa (ABC Gardening Australia) again too. I just love tossing ideas around with all our local food enthusiasts and active practitioners. It renews my energy, commitment and excitement about the work I do.
For as long as I can remember I’ve been involved in various forms of urban agriculture - both in Australia and around the world. Since the forum, my mind has been abuzz with possibilities and I can feel the potential bubbling. Here's my 3 minute summary at the end of the two days of proceedings.
One thing I feel sure of is that the notion that cities need to feed themselves must be explored much more holistically and seriously. More than half of humanity lives in urban areas and this figure is rising. Considering that so much food is already growing in the city areas, I am surprised that such little attention is paid to urban agriculture - limited research, information and support in most places.
Urban agriculture is like a hidden industry, and because of this, despite the incredible benefits it brings, it is under threat particularly in places like Australia. Current forms of urban development continue to gobble up good farming land around all our cities. There are many other models for developing land that integrate urban agriculture and I’d like to explore examples of these more in future posts.
Center for Urban Agriculture, California. A remnant farm with encroaching subdivisions that was saved and protected through a landtrust. Photo: Morag Gamble
I think however things are about to change. Over the past few years there has been a distinct shift in public attitude toward urban food growing. People and organisations have been lobbying for change globally, and on World Food Day (15 October 2016) the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact was signed by 132 cities. This represents 460 million inhabitants and urges urban planners everywhere to make food systems central in city planning - to weave food growing into the fabric of the city.
Rooftop garden at University of Melbourne: Burnley Campus: Photo: Morag Gamble
Some of the forms that urban agriculture often take are:
Home kitchen gardens
Balcony gardens
Verge gardens
Rooftop gardens
Wall gardens
City farms
Community gardens
Kindergarten and childcare gardens
School gardens
University gardens
Workplace gardens
Edible landscaping
Edible street trees
Community orchards
Food forests
Pocket farms
Horticultural therapy gardens
Community kitchens
Seed saving groups
Social enterprises
Community cafes
Food coops
Food box systems
Food swaps
Food banks and food relief
Food share
Community composting
Food waste reduction
Farmers markets
Community supported agriculture
Market gardens
Aquaponics and hydroponics
Community gardens are for all ages. Photo: Morag Gamble
Farmers markets directly connect urban consumers and local producers. To have a healthy urban agriculture, we also need to consider different marketing systems. Photo: Morag Gamble
Shared chicken flock at Hjortshoj Denmark - an eco-neighbourhood with a farm at the heart of the suburb - a radical, but amazingly common sense idea.
Over 20 years ago, we started Northey Street City Farm. Today it continues to be a thriving centre for urban agriculture, and learning about living simply and sustainably in the city. www.nscf.org.au Photo: Morag Gamble
Integrated urban food systems help us to address the complex web of issues (social, ecological and economic) that urban societies face in what seem like embarrassingly simple yet elegantly effective ways.
Urban and peri-urban agriculture is critically important for the health and wellbeing of our cities and its people, to:
provide fresh healthy local food
absorb waste water
recycle food waste back into the soil
reduce food miles
connect people to land
cultivate community
support physical and mental wellbeing
create new green spaces
achieve greater food security, food sovereignty and food democracy
strengthen urban resilience
help alleviate poverty and hunger
contribute to the ecological integrity of cities and a healthy urban metabolism
encourage biodiversity
reduce impact on climate
improve air quality
improve the thermal and acoustic comfort of buildings
and much more ...
NB: There’s a great webpage detailing urban agriculture and its multitude of benefits http://www.ruaf.org/urban-agriculture-what-and-why. The founder of the RUAF, Henk de Zeeuw, was a keynote speaker at the Urban Agriculture Forum in Melbourne the other day. It was an absolute delight to meet and talk with him about an incredible diversity of program and projects around the world.
Practical permaculture workshops help people to build skills needed to grow food at home.
Dr Rachel Carey of Footprint Melbourne, based at the University of Melbourne, presented some very interesting research about Melbourne’s food bowl and footprint. Their studies show that Melbourne’s food bowl could still produce 41% of the city’s food, 82% of it’s greens and 81% of chicken meat. However Dr Carey says, if the current pattern of urban development continues, by 2050, when Melbourne’s population reaches 7 million, it would only be able to grow 18% of its food and 21% of it’s greens. Something has to change.
Image: Foodprint Melbourne
Grow more food at home, at work, at school, in the community
Share more of your surplus
Support more local food systems
Support the protection of urban and peri-urban farmland
Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network - now over 500 projects listed
Teachers learning how to grow and harvest at the Occidental Arts and Ecology Centre: www.oaec.org Photo: Morag Gamble
The Role of Cities in Climate Resilient Food Systems
Melbourne’s FoodbowlMelbourne’s Foodprint: What does it take to feed a city?Urban food security, urban resilience and climate change Localising Food Production: Urban Agriculture in Australia RUAF: Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security - online Urban Agriculture Magazine and documentation of projects.
Posted by Morag Gamble : Our Permaculture Life at 01:00
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Labels: city farm, community, community food, community gardens, education, fair food, food politics, gardening, health, nature kids, simple living, systems view of life, urban agriculture, verge gardens
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Morag Gamble
Morag Gamble
My name is Morag Gamble and I am living and working a permaculture life. I live an 'Off-the-Grid' lifestyle in a permaculture village near Maleny in the subtropical part of southeast Queensland, Australia with my husband and 3 young children.
We designed and built our modular eco-home - with much appreciated help from my family. We are mortgage-free and live simply. Our income is derived from permaculture-related activities. We grow a lot of vegetables, herbs and fruit in the polycultural garden-playground surrounding our home. We collect our water, deal with our wastewater on-site and produce most of our own power.
I love this way of living and I love bringing my children up in this environment. They are Nature Kids and they are learning vital skills for resilience, compassion and future problem solving through our ecological unschooling approach.
I am also passionate about how this way of life can make a positive contribution to society and support ecological regeneration.
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Live simply: 14 Ways to Save Money and Avoid Debt
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Our affordable debt-free eco-house
Save over $23,000 a Year and De-stress with a Few Simple Living Strategies
5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Soil and Grow Better Food
Morag's Simple & Successful No-Dig Garden Method
Worm Towers - a quick and easy way to turn food waste into garden fertiliser - without digging or turning.
9 Ways to Simply Use Chia
7 Ways to Use all of your Pumpkin Plant
How to make natural laundry powder
DIY Beeswax Cloths
Make your own natural hand lotion
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Monday, October 31, 2016
mission is to equip love seekers everywhere with the principles of real love so that you will be empowered to make healthy relationship choices. We believe that understanding the principles and aspects of real love will increase our chances for healthy, happy and lasting relationships. Having the right foundation of love will help us to do just that. Preparation is the key
Friday, October 28, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
concord-table type
Rye Lee BayPhilippine Viticulture (Grapes Production & Planning)
October 9 ·
A beautiful bluish-violet Grapes (concord-table type)
UPDATE: Due to December Harvest Season cuttings are not available at the moment-Please PM for cuttings reservation by January 2017
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79 Santos Jr Borbe, Lovely Grace and 77 others
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Margie Ginda-o Marcos Guina
Margie Ginda-o Marcos Guina Wow gusto ko ang cuttings nyan..
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Like · Reply · 1 · October 9 at 9:35pm
Jonj Cordero replied · 10 Replies
Francisco Ramos
Francisco Ramos Wow yon ba yong maliit na grapes na violet??kng makaipon po ako pupunta po dian sa silway 8 bibili po ako ng similya nyan ha??
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Like · Reply · 1 · October 10 at 4:46am
Francisco Ramos replied · 2 Replies
Mark Anthony Manguerra
Mark Anthony Manguerra Concord?
Like · Reply · 1 · October 12 at 7:01pm
2 Replies
Abegail Lorzano Perez-Montealegre
Abegail Lorzano Perez-Montealegre Hm po nag cuttings bro? :)
Like · Reply · October 23 at 5:00am
Belinda Sison Sagun
Belinda Sison Sagun Magkano po? May nagtatanim po na sa bulacan?
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Like · Reply · 1 · October 25 at 10:50am
Pangoy Mondia replied · 2 Replies
Roy Balatbat
Roy Balatbat san po kyo pwedi punthan pra mkabili ng cuttings at hm po?
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Like · Reply · 1 · 54 mins
Rye Lee Bay replied · 3 Replies · 39 mins
Oscar del Rosario

philippine viticulture (grapes production & planning)
This group will serve as a mode of communication for those who have a keen interest in production and learning process about grapes.
We are allowed to sell or share post of information that are related with this group concern and needs.
Thank you and we may gather information for the success of this industry.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Friday, October 14, 2016
1st February to 6th March 2017 at the Panagbenga Park in Baguio, Philippines
Panagbenga Festival is a 1 day event being held on 1st February to 6th March 2017 at the Panagbenga Park in Baguio, Philippines. This event showcases products like the blend of cultural influences from Malaysia and other South East Asian countries, a whole week, Baguio streets come alive with spectacular rhythmic dances, pulsating songs and colourful floral arrangements that will interest any avid flower-lovers, the splendid use of floats covered with beautiful flowers, creating a distinct parade unlike others that are held in the country, the Ibaloi dance, a vigorous and colourful dance, aside from the tourist benefits that it brings, the local community has a chance to embrace its cultural traditions and much more etc. in the Consumer & Carnivals industry.

Panagbenga Festival 2017 coming soon
BAGUIO CITY: This early, the 22nd Baguio Flower Festival – Panagbenga 2017, is already on the drawing boards, in coordination with the festival organizers and the Baguio City officials who will entertain suggestions and recommendation from the festival visitors through the official websites of the local government unit (LGU) and the Baguio Flower Festival Foundation, Inc (BFFFI). In a post assessment press conference on Wednesday, Anthony de Leon, BFFFI Executive Committee Chairman, said the secretariat, headed by Evangeline Payno, would accept feedbacks for the improvement of the future flower festivals in the city. “The festival is a continuous work in progress and suggestions for a conduct of longer parade routes, additional landscapes at the Baguio Botanical Garden and Bayan Park, Aurora Hill are looked into,” de Leon said.

Just steps from the Arc de Triomphe, Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris is an icon, imbued with the magic of the 1930s. With a private exhibition space, screening room, Le Cinema des Lumières, and Paris’ first dedicated Art Concierge, Le Royal Monceau, Raffles Paris is a natural meeting place, enlivened by art and culture
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Just steps from the Arc de Triomphe, Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris is an icon, imbued with the magic of the 1930s. With a private exhibition space, screening room, Le Cinema des Lumières, and Paris’ first dedicated Art Concierge, Le Royal Monceau, Raffles Paris is a natural meeting place, enlivened by art and culture. A French masterpiece with 149 elegant rooms and luxury suites, complemented by stylish restaurants, La Cuisine and Il Carpaccio and a chic and truly Parisian bar, Le Bar long. Le Royal Monceau - Raffles Paris is a member of the Leading Hotels of the World.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016
An enrichment of common benefit and welfare between nations Your Cooperation Participation is very much Appreciated Intermountain Funding equipping the Truth Baguio city vicinities is a Research haven.,Email me at sunislandsicf@gmail.com, and or message me on my wall.......https://www.facebook.com/lovelikerealthing
An enrichment of common benefit and welfare between nations Your Cooperation Participation is very much Appreciated Intermountain Funding equipping the Truth Baguio city vicinities is a Research haven.,Email me at sunislandsicf@gmail.com, and or message me on my wall.......https://www.facebook.com/lovelikerealthing
Monday, October 10, 2016
Top 15 Businesses That Make The Most Millionaires
A country can survive without some of the top businesses on this list, but it will not survive without agriculture. Agriculture is a country’s source of food and since everyone eats at least a meal a day, agriculture is a business with a ready market regardless of where you are. Even though most millionaires and billionaires who make their money from agriculture invest in large-scale production, they all had to start somewhere. Agriculture has a ready market and everyone interested in it can make millions, especially with the use of modern tools, equipment, and methods. Some of the leading agriculture businesses in the world include Bernard Matthews Farms, BASF, and AVEBE.
Edit nameOscar del Rosario Edit headlineIT Project Manager at United States Edit location and industryCAR - Cordillera Administrative Region, PhilippinesBiotechnology Current Edit current experiencets (0.40 seconds) Search Results AIM Global DTC - Alliance In Motion Global Inc., United States Education Edit educationSaint Louis University 0 connectionsView profile asMore options Public Profilehttps://ph.linkedin.com/in/oscar-del-rosario-87738012b
Saturday, September 10, 2016
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Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Monday, August 22, 2016
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Manuka honey
THIS Type of RAW HONEY Kills Every Kind of Bacteria Scientists Could Throw At It (Even the Super-Bugs!) ManukaHoney
THIS Type of RAW HONEY Kills Every Kind of Bacteria Scientists Could Throw At It (Even the Super-Bugs!)
Here at Healthy Holistic Living, we search the web for health content to share with you. This article was shared with permission from our friends at AltHealthWorks.com
The health benefits of raw, unprocessed honey are well known, but in Australia, scientists recently made a startling discovery – that one particular, obscure type of honey is capable of killing just about everything scientists throw at it, including some of the worst bacteria known to man. The findings were published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (June 2009 edition), and could hold special significance at a time when many of the world’s top antibiotics are failing, especially against resistant “superbugs.”
The honey in question is known as manuka honey, which is produced in New Zealand and also goes by the name of jelly bush honey.
The honey has become so popular in the past few years that shortages have been reported and fake products have been sold, leading New Zealand manuka producers to seek trademark protection (similar to French champagne or Scottish whiskey for example). It’s easy to see why now that the secret is out about this honey’s incredible health benefits.
Manuka Honey Kills MRSA, Other Superbugs
Manuka honey is created by bees foraging on the nectar of Leptospermum Scoparium, the New Zealand manuka bush, as well as tea trees native only to Australia and New Zealand.
In the aforementioned studies, Australian researchers found that the honey killed every bacteria or pathogen it was tested on, according to a report by The Australian. The honey can be applied topically to help fight against infections of the skin, cuts and insect bites, or taken internally.
Manuka HoneyThe most exciting difference with the manuka honey that was tested is that none of superbugs killed by the honey were able to build up immunity, a common problem with today’s antibiotics.
“New antibiotics tend to have short shelf lives, as the bacteria they attack quickly become resistant,” said Dr. Dee Carter of the University of Sydney’s School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences. “Many large pharmaceutical companies have abandoned antibiotic production because of the difficulty of recovering costs. Developing effective alternatives could therefore save many lives.”
According to Dr. Carter the manuka honey contains a compound called methyglyoxal, that combines with other unknown compounds to cause “multi-system failure” that destroys the bacteria.
Where to Find Manuka Honey Manuka honey is now sold in health food stores and online, although the supply levels have fluctuated in recent years and fake honey scams have been documented. When looking for manuka honey it is best to look for one that is UMF certified.
The term UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor, which is the phytochemical property derived from the manuka bushes that gives it its unique properties. This term is regulated by the Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association of New Zealand and a handful of certified manuka products can be found on Amazon.com.
The brand Comvita manuka honey is available on Amazon and is UMF certified. One particular customer on Amazon said that it this type of honey helped to erase their MRSA:
I had done a fair amount of research when a friend of ours got MRSA, and then, unfortunately, I got it too., said user JoshuaOne9 on Amazon. Thankfully, I had already done the research so I knew exactly what to do. As soon as I saw the red bump (thinking the first day that it was a mosquito bite) I scratched it, but the second day I realized that it had to be something else. My husband immediately knew what it was since we had been dealing with our friend’s case of MRSA. I got my hands on this Manuka honey and put on the area of skin that was affected and then it is very important that you cover it with a bandaid. Within hours I felt relief and within a few days it was completely gone…
While further research needs to be done, it’s safe to say that manuka honey shows plenty of promise in defeating one of the biggest health challenges faced by humanity in the 21st century, and this research should not be taken lightly.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent disease. Consult a licensed naturopathic doctor before making any major changes to your diet or lifestyle.
SOURCE: http://althealthworks.com/9387/mysterious-honey-discovered-that-kills-all-bacteria-scientists-throw-at-it/
A quick note from our founder-
Over the past year, my friend Dave at PaleoHacks has been working on a secret cookbook with world-renowned Le Cordon Bleu chef Peter Servold.
Well, today this new this new incredible Paleo Cookbook is finally available to be shipped right to your door for FREE
That’s right — as a special launch promotion, we’re offering our brand new Paleo fat loss cookbook to you for free (Chef Pete lost 60 lbs using these recipes!) — All you have to do is just cover a small shipping cost (international shipping is a bit more).
Get your FREE copy of Paleo Eats Here. (Grab this today, because we only ordered a small batch of these cookbooks for this freebie promotion, and they will sell out FAST!) 

Understanding Chickens 101
I talk about my chickens a lot. It seems that people the world over love chickens and love to talk about what it’s like to own them.
Last year, I traveled quite a bit for work and had the opportunity to talk chicken with people in Kashmir, Zambia and, of course, the United States. Throughout all of these conversations, the question of whether you need a rooster to get eggs always comes up. It seems that there is an obvious and wide knowledge gap among people. Either you know things about chickens. Or you don’t.
If you fall into the “don’t” category, however, fear not! This video is for you. I am by no means an expert. But having chickens for 4 years has definitely increased my knowledge. Take a look and impress your friends with all of your chicken knowledge.
Welcome to Understanding Chickens 101. P.S. Although I think my theory is great, does anyone know more precisely why farm-raised chicken eggs have lower cholesterol?
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Friday, August 19, 2016
The all-natural recipe we recommend in this article was made by a Russian doctor, ophthalmologist and surgeon nearly half a century ago. As the treatment had high efficacy, the doctor strongly advised all his patients suffering from vision problems including intraocular pressure to use this powerful natural remedy.
The recipe is easy to make; it asks for simple, but extremely beneficial ingredients such as aloe vera gel, walnuts, lemons and honey. 100 gr. Aloe juice
500 gr. crushed walnuts
300 gr. honey
juice of 3-4 lemons
Blend all the ingredients at high speed.
You need to drink this remedy every day, a tablespoon three times a day, half an hour before your meal. You should take it until you feel your vision is improved and you no longer have the need for it. Aside from being an excellent remedy for your eye health, this remedy is a real metabolism booster and can positively affect your overall health.
It’s important to know that Aloe Vera Juice is not recommended for people affected with acute kidney disease, GI tract problems, inflammation of the female reproductive system, tuberculosis, hemorrhoids and pregnant women in the last trimester. Also remember that the plant shouldn’t be more than 2-3 years old.

Thursday, August 18, 2016
the Tree
My Olive Tree
Page Liked · Yesterday ·
My Olive Tree was birthed out of a heart to support the land and the people of Israel.
It was in 2004 when I first sat down with the then, Finance Minister, now Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and we discussed a huge humanitarian aid initiative that I was involved in—a project that was bringing in over 20 million dollars worth of aid into the nation of Israel.
It was an enormous undertaking, and the Finance Minister was grateful and polite when he opened up to express his heartfelt concern for the people of Israel. You see, he did not want Israel to become a country dependent on charity, but rather, a country that prospers through economic independence.
It was a few years later while attending a meeting in Israel, when the “concept” of My Olive Tree was presented to us...
My first reaction was, “No way!”
But the Israelis in the meeting eagerly said, “You can plant a million olive trees… a plan to help make Israel economically independent… You can do this!”
My answer again was, “No… this is not for me.” And then I felt the prompting of the Lord to step outside of our meeting place. He then began to show me a vision of a blue and green globe, and said, “Do you see all of those little green spots? I planted all of those without your help.”
That was when My Olive Tree began… and it has since grown and is still growing!
Today, through the help of thousands of people around the world, we have planted over 20,000 partner sponsored olive trees throughout Israel—a far cry from the HUGE vision of one million—but we are diligently moving forward to reach that goal!
When My Olive Tree first began sponsoring olive trees, we planted in the Galilee area.
It was exciting to see the vision unfold and for our partners to LITERALLY take root in the Holy Land! And then a few years later the opportunity became available to expand our efforts and begin planting in the Negev Desert. Again, thousands of sponsors rallied together to leave a living legacy and a living memorial in Israel. Like David Ben-Gurion you all jumped on the chance to be pioneers!
The first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion was focused on breathing life into the Negev Desert… and you as our sponsors have shown that you share his vision and have hence breathed new life into the goal of sponsoring one million trees.
You heard Isaiah’s cry and Ben-Gurion’s cry, and you answered back with resounding support!
It is incredible to know that our supporters, that’s YOU, are helping fulfill the goals of the projects...
…by bringing the wastelands to life—expanding the greenbelt into the desert to create livable habitats for families to return to the land of their Father.
Your gift is literally taking root in the land of #Israel, saying, “You belong. Through faith, I belong. We belong!”
You see, more than anything, your sponsorships give hope and speak of friendship and solidarity. Your trees say to Israel and her people: I see you right now and I believe in your history—your past, your present, your future, and your right to exist.
Your tree is a statement that you realize Israel’s future—acknowledging her potential—her promise.
Your tree is not just a gift for today. Your tree is a living legacy—a living memorial.
A few years ago My Olive Tree was asked to plant several very large mature olive trees (30-40 years old) in a special place in #Jerusalem called the King’s Valley. This area in the valley, which is part of the larger Kidron Valley, located east of King David’s palace, is believed to have once been a garden for the ancient King’s of Israel. And perhaps most importantly, it is also very symbolic that this area is on the hills below the Mount of Olives where the Messiah expected to return.
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My Olive Tree
My Olive Tree Learn more about this special project here - http://www.myolivetree.com/kings-valley/
Kings Valley Seven Species Project
Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 4:54am
Sienta Victor
Sienta Victor Such a beautiful story! I love Israel, the Sea of Galilee, the olive trees.
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Twila Nelson
Twila Nelson I adopted a tree in 2008 and pray everyday that God will bless it an all the olive trees, fruits, vegetables, live stock, all the agricultural, the natural resources the water, oil, natural gas , the minerals , the gold , the silver in the land of Israel !
Like · Reply · 2 · 7 hrs
Lorie F. Fadriquela
Lorie F. Fadriquela I am a Filipino but I love this idea so much. Bless your hearts.
Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 6:53am
Deborah Earley
Deborah Earley Love it!
Like · Reply · 1 · 22 hrs
Oscar del Rosario
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016
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